Threatening Safety

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) sent military forces on state universities claiming it as a way of securing the safety of the students from rebel groups which is partly good, only that these actions may just trample the school’s academic freedom.

After several cases of alleged communist recruitments and kidnapping of students by leftist organizations, Senator Ronald ‘Bato’ dela Rosa proposed the increase of military presence on state university grounds which was backed by AFP.

To tell you the truth, I believe that there is a need of extra military forces to avoid casualties, but, AFP Spokesperson Brig. General Edgard Arevalo is also responsible in explaining to the schools their limitations should they continue their search party.

There is this what you call academic freedom which will be suppressed once the military presence increases. Clearly a red flag, it is undeniably true that besides of the main goal they have, they are also here to observe student activities and might interfere with their freedom to speak.

In addition, this communist witch-hunt will also affect the fare of student activism which is the sole thing that make the students able to stand up. Meaning, those who opposes, or rally could be considered as communists or leftists and might be imprisoned which would clearly suppress their freedom.

That is the reason why if AFP wants to complete their mission, they should also compromise to never threat the students’ academic freedom. It is true that rebels are threat to the students’ education, and they must be stopped. But it should be done in a way that will not imprison students against their rights.

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