Ending Distrust

No matter how much we deny it, the shadow of Dengvaxia incident still remains and it still haunts those victimized by the half-baked vaccine causing fear over the parents of kids, resulting a larger than ever percentage of measles fatalities.

To think that several kids became guinea pigs of Sanofi Pasteur Company on the Dengvaxia trial, it is not questionable why several parents doubt the effectiveness of vaccines the perpetrator, Department of Health (DOH) offers. But this needs to stop, for real.

It should be a common fact that not all vaccines are similar to Dengvaxia, and the incident has ended several months ago, parents should now recover their trust on the government once again because their children are suffering from the possibility of being critical.

The vaccine for measles was not under the experimental stage and was already finished on the year 1963 which means that the medicine is safe and assured effective. But due to the distrust the DOH received, there are already 121 fatalities in Rizal which should end now.

Meanwhile, another disease arose last year in the Philippines, Poliomyelitis. Thought to be extinct, the infectious disease is similar to Measles, re-emerging due to the parents being afraid to let their children underwent vaccinations.

It is reasonable to distrust the department after giving failed products on your children, but you can’t deny the fact that unlike the past, the polio vaccine is effective that it made our country free from it for two decades.

This is the high time to believe once again, the statistics won’t lie to us and it shows 97% effectivity on measles and 99%- 100% effectivity for three shots on

polio vaccine.

It is not wrong to be wary of what drugs go inside the body of your kids, and that is the sole reason why we should learn to research. Most vaccines work, and trusting them is much better than betting the life of your son on fear.

It is really difficult to trust someone who put your child into danger, but relying on distrust will never get you anywhere but fatality. Dengvaxia season is over; the fear should end here, right now.

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