Commuted Actions

Thousand of plans, but cannot make an action against the heavy traffic that bothered the everyday life of every commuters, by now if they didn’t take a move then the issue will just worsen.

As a result of the malfunctioning Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations that affects a lot of commuters, Pre. Spokesperson Panelo dismissed the occurring transportation crisis, making it out of service for nine months for repairing.

Putting the station out of service may help reduce the struggles of commuting but on the other side it can also be a problem, since for Filipinos, commuting will be more complicated because of lesser transportation.

He was even challenged by some Filipino netizens to try and experience the daily struggles of commuters, waking up early at 5 in the morning then taking hours for four rides of jeep, but still, he defended that there is no transportation crisis, which is just a farce to cover up his false statements.

Denying the existence of the crisis like he doesn’t even care about the sake of every Filipino who traveled for hours everyday, is just a dog-like act of cowardice.

Approved budget for this year’s public transport is P 76.1B, however it doesn’t reflect in the relevant issues of commuting. What happened to that large budget is not out of the question yet, seeing that nothing better happened on the months it was used for “bettering” the transportation.

  In this current situation in public transport, everyone could realize that we need resolute action to give a long- term solution to this crisis rather than experimenting with”band-aid” steps that might worsen the situation in the future.

Address it as soon as possible, it doesn’t matter if you are one of the people who experienced it or not, as long as you have the power to help and provide an action then use it for the better.

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