Clinging To Hope and Belief: A Fighter’s Tale

An answer to a prayer is cup of fresh water in an ocean, which is provided by Him, rarely found by others  who do not seek if but easily acquired by those who do, each of us see it in our own different ways, either refuse or cling to it because that’s the result of our tedious search despite the Casualties and sorrow. And few were heard.

     Only finished the first year of high school, one Mark Adam Bacolod received the diagnosis that he has a Leukemia, which already progressed to stage 4.

     He had to stop his schooling in order to heal. Leukemia was a daily battle of his, the deadly disease that has claimed millions of lives ever since.

     A life changing and horrifying turn to his life. Adam was in denial at first- in denial of the possibility that this might be it for him. In the process of healing, despite of his denial. he never gave up hope.

     “Family and friends, yung mga naghihintay po sakin na gumaling, yung mga umaasa sakin na gumaling ng mabilisan, yung mga nagpapray para sakin,”shared Adam.

     Similar to every survivor, amidst experiencing frequent headaches and vomiting, he went with the flow of events along while praying fervently. However, his prayers did not fail him for God heard his pleas and gave him a second chance in life.

    From being high risk to finally acquiring stability though not fully healed, he somewhat escaped from the disease sinking its claws on his being. Adam
continued his education by entering the Alternative Learning Program (ALS).
God granted him a second chance in life in which Adam spent the rest of his
time thanking Him for the second life God drew him into.

     Opposite from Adam in the garden of Eden, he took a bite of the forbidden fruit and never was to set foot in paradise. And yet, Adam- in the present- was granted a chance.

     “Sobrang thankful ko sa sacrifice ng marami pati na rin mga magulang ko para sa pag aaral ko at pag-papagaling ko,” said Adam with gratitude evident in his eyes.

     No matter how one is drowning in the depths of their own abyss, no matter how tight the chains are bind to a person, God never fails to hear their pleas and wipe the tears they’ve shed, He provides answers. Perhaps it might be hard to find yet it only depends on the perspective of one if he chooses to see it or not.

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