Blinded Patriotism

With the issue of making the Reserved Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) program mandatory for high school, it is such a farce that some believed that this could really spark patriotism effectively over young men.

The former facilitator of Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) Alejandro Jose approved the proposed mandatary ROTC and stated that its usefulness will come in times of war, which is wrong if you understand the issue.

While Jose claims that ROTC promotes patriotism, apparently, it’s not. Since the program is focused on defense preparedness program that immerses students in a military- style environment, it does not help on the brains for political awareness which the country currently needs.

What these students will learn is blind patriotism; this will just hone blind obedience and conformity which is very dangerous on our increasing authoritarian political culture.

In addition, the budget it would take surmounts to a large PHP 38 billion per year which could be used for other programs that are also vital in our country. The budget for ROTC is even comparable to the PHP 40 Billion per year budget of the Free Tuition Law which is more useful than the mandatory program.

This is too much budget literally, and to think that it would inevitably cut off funding on other programs is problematic since I don’t think the program is vital and essential for the community.

If I may also add, the student superiority is an issue too, since it creates a margin of inequality between the students, plus the possibility that those who wield the power is abusing their strength over others.

In regards of handling the program, it risks the welfare of students since there is the chance of involvement of ROTC in fraternities and violent practices, since it is a known truth that even the police and military academies are having this kind of harsh traditions in relation to brotherhood.

In the end, Department of Education (DepEd) abolished CAT due to the same ideals, and the existence of heterogeneous sectioning promotes equality over the student body. Proposing a mandatory ROTC is clearly not aligned on their values and counters what the department has made through the years.

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