Art of Arnis: ‘Stick’ing with indigenous culture of combat and rhythm

Arnis is a Filipino sport developed before the colonization of the Spaniards, mainly to show how our natives fought without shedding any blood from their opponents.

While this sport seems infamous from our young students, Ma’am Honeylyn Gabi trained several students to use this combat technique to create an art: A dance that focuses on the culture of indigenous Filipinos who protected our land.

“Yung anyo, yung sayaw, nagpapakita sila ng mga rhythmic performances gamit ang stick o yantok sa arnis. So, nagpapakita sila doon ng ibat ibang skills kung paano maghandle ng arnis,” Teacher Gabi said.

Sports of Rhythm

CAYSMNHS has been participating with Combative arnis and Rhythmic arnis which is Anyo ranking second place in Taytay last year’s municipal tilt.

According to Ma’am Gabi, Anyo is a form of dance that prevents injuries by executing techniques without attacking an opponent, similar to Poomsae, or the artistic taekwondo.

“Pagkapilipino, sa akin kasi ang arnis ay for self-defense. Sa Pilipino kasi, palaban tayo. Hinahalintulad kasi siya sa mga warriors natin na kumbaga sinisimbolize ng arnis yung mga ninuno natin na nakipaglaban ng hindi gumagamit ng dahas,”

Honeylyn gabi, arnis coach

It is categorized with individual and synchronized Anyo where proper holding of yantok and executions are very crucial, wherein a single mistake on timing and coordination will bring the performance to a zero.

“Sa sayaw, kinakailangan yung hand skills kase paghawak pa lang ng sticks tinitignan na agad nung judges kasabay ng sayaw. Kasi kapag nabitawan yung stick may deduction agad sa scoring so dapat guided ka kung paano gumamit ng yantok saka sumayaw,” she continued.

The teacher stressed how important learning arnis is, that besides of the fact that it is very Filipino, it can be used to defend considering the fact that it is very unsafe today.

She also said that students should try this, because it can offer better advantages than other martial arts that students commonly play.

Heed of Support

But with the modern society forgetting our ancestors and rich culture, Arnis is just being put aside when in facts, it could be an effective defense mechanism just like other martial arts including taekwando and judo.

“Sa curriculum nga ng g7 kasama yan, kaya mas magandang na naipapakita sa kanila na hindi lang mga taekwondo ang pang self-defense. Puwede rin ang arnis, kasi nakikita ko natatabunan siya eh. Karamihan kasi ang kilala ay taekwando, judo, mga ganon. Eh ito, makapilipino talaga. Dahil sa yantok pa lang na ginagamit ay pilipinong-pilipino na talaga,” she explained.

Not just arnis, she recommended every student to try other Filipino sports too that focuses on our culture instead of others which came from foreign countries.

“Sa akin, sa case ko, kapag sinabi mo ang arnis sa bata, parang di nila kilala. So, siguro mas maganda na ipakilala mo muna sa kanila ang arnis. Saka mo sila ieencourage. Kasi kung papipiliin sila sa ibang sports, nagiging second choice ang arnis. Sigguro dahil mas gusto lang nila ay combative, ang fighting skills,” she added.

On the other hand, she aimed for the team to reach the higher tiers in sports, but with the current state of this sport, they have problems encountered that risk their chance of winning in provincials.

Luckily, according to her, she found capable students who have Anyo background from elementary. Even with the lack of students who want to try the sports, we still have those few who are willing to cultivate our culture through this art.

History holds the key to our future and therefore, even if it has already faded by time, we should still cultivate it and never lose it together with its culture. Arnis is one of our Filipino sports that we should not neglect, but rather, cherish it. Because in the end, our nation is still Philippines without foreign additions.

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